You can register a domain name in 5 easy steps:
First check whether there are specific requirements to registering the domain name extension of your choice. There are no restrictions for commonly used domain name extensions such as .be or .com. Please note that you are not allowed to register a trademark or other protected name in any domain name extension.
Check if the desired domain name is available for registration. You can do this using the search bar on our homepage.
Choose the registration period for your domain name. It can be up to ten years. The registration periods may vary for each domain name extension.
Fill in the remaining information. It is important that it is filled in correctly.
Finally pay your domain name. You can easily pay with credit card, PayPal, bank transfer or direct debit.
Your domain name will be registered after a few minutes. You can set the domain name as soon as the payment is received. Payment usually doesn't take longer than a few minutes, with the exception of a bank transfer.